Launch of the Observatory RIO, the laboratory of ideas for rural areas

RIO, the International Observatory of Rural Research, has been created in the search for the promotion of rural innovation ecosystems through public-private strategic alliances, by exploring the diversity of rural areas in Ourense in the frame of sustainable development. It is a new social contract for rural areas.

RIO, the International Observatory of Rural Research, promoted by the Deputación de Ourense and the Universidade de Vigo, is a pioneering entity in Europe with a mission to analyze, research and launch cutting-edge projects in the rural environment.

It is a laboratory of ideas and projects that acts as a co-creation space of social innovation for the academic community. It is focused on developing an ecosystem for social, environmental and economic innovation in the rural areas of Ourense, that will allow the replication of initiatives, ideas and projects in similar areas of Europe and Latin America, based on the Agenda 2030 and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN.



RIOS’s first project is the organization of the Ourense Rural Summit (OURS). Over 130 university experts and rural agents from all around the world will work on analyzing the Sustainable Development Goals and its application in rural areas in order to elaborate proposals for the creation of a RURAL INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM. This event is promoted by the Deputación de Ourense and the Universidade de Vigo and will be held from October 29 to 31 at the Parador de Santo Estevo. It is a forum to think about the possibilities offered by rural areas to comply with the goals of the Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. The closing of OURS will take place at the Mosteiro de Oseira by inviting the participants to jointly reflect and share the conclusions drawn from the event.

OURSObxectivos De Desenvolvemento Sustentable