What is OURS?
The Ourense Rural Summit (OURS) is a forum for university experts and agents from the rural sector of Ourense based on the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. OURS is an event that blends the best of rural and academic world with the intention to become a meeting place to generate local and innovative experiences that will form a rural innovation ecosystem.
OURS is a forum to rethink together applications and interventions in rural areas through the co-design of initiatives to be implemented in rural environments. International and local experts, scholars and agents from the rural sector will live together during three days in order to go deeper into the Agenda 2030.
Becoming an international benchmark forum in rural sustainable development.
Through a variety of participatory methodologies, scholars and professionals from different fields will work together during three days, trying to build ties with other participants and finding solutions that will lead to make scalable and adaptive proposals to improve living conditions in rural areas.
Various officers of the Office for International Projects of the Universidade de Vigo will attend OURS in order to help to develop the ideas emerging from the event into projects that could be funded by different calls.
“The main goal is to create synergies and shared knowledge through the collaboration of scholars, rural entrepreneurs and experts in SDG by combining both international and local perpectives.”
“To disseminate the work of RIO, the International Observatory of Rural Research, and jointly define a road map to allow greater accuracy in the key lines of action through the Sustainable Development Goals.”
“Finding scientific and sustainable solutions to social needs and problems.”
9.00 - 13.30h
Check-in Parador de Santo Estevo
15.30 - 19.30h
Check-in Parador de Santo Estevo Activity at the Parador and Welcome
20.30 - 22.30h
Welcome Dinner. Salón dos reis
22.30 - 00.00h
CINECLUB. Salón dos Monxes
- Presentation of the DVD book Galicia Rural. Un debate contemporáneo sobre o medio rural galego. (Rural Galicia. A contemporary debate on the Galician rural area)
- Presentation of Galicia en la Memoria (Galicia in the Memory), a multimedia edition of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, MAFF)
Facilitators: Adela Palomino, Head of the Publication Center of MAFF, and Aser Álvarez, Head of Arraianos Producións and coordinator of the edition.
7.00 - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 10.00h
10.30 - 11.30
Opening Ceremony
Sala Refectorio
11.30 - 12.00h
Expert talk
Sala Refectorio
Fostering local development in a globalised world.
Bernadette Montanari (Centre for Biocultural Diversity. University of Kent, U.K.)
Moderator: Jorge Domínguez (GEA Group, Animal Ecology Group, Universidade de Vigo)
12.00 -12.30h
Coffee break
Claustro Bispos planta baja
13.00 - 14.00h
Getting to know each other
Sala Refectorio
14.00 - 16.00h
Salón dos Reis
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 1
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Anna Champeney (Anna Champeney Textile Studio)
- Rural povertry in Europe -the case of Hungary or the post-socialist countries. Katarin Tausz (Head of the Institute of Social Studies, Eötvös Loránd University and Director of Advocacy, UNICEF Hungary)
- Sembrar porvenir: agro vivo. (Planting the future: active agriculture). Manuel Blanco Desar (economist and political scientist. Author of Una sociedad sin hijos)
Conversation 2
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Belén Rubio (Vice-Rector for Research, Universidade de Vigo)
- Océanos asfixiantes para a vida mariña e outras verdades inconvenientes. (Stuffing oceans for marine life and other inconvinient truths). Debora Iglesias-Rodríguez (Professor and Vice Chair. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology. University of California Santa Barbara. U.S.A.)
- El papel de las cofradías de pescadores de Galicia (Noroeste de España) en la protección de los recursos marinos y consecución de la equidad: ventajas y limitaciones. (The role of fishermen's associations in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) in the protection of marine resources and the achievement of equity: advantages and limitations).Iria García Lorenzo (Researcher of the Department of Applied Economics, Universidade de Vigo).
Conversation 3
Salón dos Monxes
Moderator: Esther de Blas (Vice-Rector of the Campus of Ourense, Universidade de Vigo)
- AlmaNatura. Reactivación Rural Resiliente. (Resilient Rural Reactivation). Juanjo Manzano y Conce Macías (Almanatura)
- FICRURAL: Foro Internacional sobre a Cultura e a Economía Rural. (FICRURAL: International Forum on Rural Culture and Rural Economy). Aser Álvarez (head of Arraianos Producións)
17.00 - 17.30h
Café no Mercado. Coffee Break.
Claustro Bispos planta baixa
- Muuhlloa: ecological cosmetics from Galicia
- Anna Champeney Textile Studio
- Sovoral organic beekeeping
- Inés Rir Textile Studio
- Water tasting: Elena Falqué and Concepción Pérez
17.30 - 19.30h
Working groups
Sala Refectorio
20.30 - 22.00h
Salón dos Reis
22.00 - 00.00h
Nocturnal enviromental activity Avelaíñas: doncelas da noite. (Moths: ladies of the night). Guided by Grupo Naturalista Hábitat.
7.00 - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 9.00
9.30 - 10.00
Expert talk
Salón dos Bispos
Food security, food poverty and food policy: Implications for rural communities in the European context.Deirdre O´Connor: School of Agriculture and Food Science. University College Dublin, Ireland. Moderator: Juan Carlos Mejuto (Professor of Chemical Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Universidade de Vigo)
10.00 - 11.00h
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 4
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Eva Garea Oya (Senior Technical Officer of International Relations, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Perfiles de la ruralidad contemporánea: más allá de la idealización y los tópicos del despoblamiento. (Profiles of the contemporary rurality: Beyond idealization and depopulation topics). Manuel González Fernández (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, member of the Research and Study Group Southern and Mediterranean Europe, European Society for Rural Sociology, and member of Iso-Rural)
- State of Play of the CAP Reform 2021-2027: current situation within the European Institutions. Jérémie Réquis (Secretariat of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), European Parliament, Belgium)
Conversation 5
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Xesús Morales López (Senior Technical Officer of Scientific Projects, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Una Asociación por y para O Courel. (An Association by and for O Courel)Marcos Reinoso (Pia Paxaro and President of the Association for Rural Development in Serra do Caurel).
- Proyectos Smart Villages y ecosistemas de innovación rural. (Smart Villages Projects and rural innovation ecosystems). Enrique Nieto (European Network for Rural Development, ENRD, Belgium)
11.15 - 13.45h
Outdoors local inmersion activity. Plantando conCiencia. Compensación de huella de carbono. (Carbon print compensation).
Guided by Comunidade de Montes de San Estevo de Ribas do Sil and Office of Environment (OMA) of the Universidade de Vigo.
13.45 - 16.00h
Salón dos Reis
16.00 - 17.00h
Working groups
Sala refectorio
17.00 - 17.30h
Café no Mercado. Coffee Break.
Claustro Bispos planta baixa
- Aceites Abril: Tasting of single-variety oil
- Anna Champeney Textile Studio
- Inés Rir Textile Studio
- Sovoral organic beekeeping
- Water tasting: Elena Falqué and Concepción Pérez
17.30 - 19.30h
Working groups.
Sala Refectorio
20.30 - 00.00h
Dinner. Claustro dos Bispos
Magostiño (popular feast to celebrate the chestnut) and nocturnal ethnographic activity. Guided by Parador de Sto. Estevo
7.00h - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 9.00h
9.30- 10.00h
Expert talk
Salón dos Bispos
Rural and remote Health and Sustainability: challenges and solutions for achieving health equity. Rebecca Schiff. (Department of Health Sciences at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)
Moderator: Federico Mallo Ferrer (Professor of Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Centre, CINBIO, Universidade de Vigo).
10.00 - 11.00h
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 6
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Ana Caamaño (Technical Officer, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Improving Equity through Rural Health and Rural Medical Education. Leonardo Vieira Targa (Wonca Working Party on Rural Practice, Rural and Remote Health Journal y Facultad de Medicina de la Universidade de Caixas do Sul, Brasil)
- Proyectos de innovación social basados en necesidades inherentes al proceso de envejecimiento poblacional. (Social innovation projects based on needs inherent to population ageing). Noelia López Vázquez (social entrepreneur and founding member of activiza!).
Conversation 7
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Ana Fernández Mosquera (Senior Technical Officer of Projects in the field of Humanities, Law and Social Sphere, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo).
- Miñocas de terra, viñedos saudables e viños naturais. (Earthworms, healthy vineyards and natural wine). Jorge Domínguez (GEA Group, Animal Ecology Group, Universidade de Vigo).
- New agrarian pathways: life on land as opportunity? Paul Swagemakers (Governance and Economics research Network (GEN), Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism, Universidade de Vigo).
Conversation 8
Salón dos Monxes
Moderator: Fernando R. Méndez (Periodista, responsable de prensa de la Deputación de Ourense).
- La imagen del rural en los medios. Cara y Cruz informativa. (The image of rural sector in the media. Facing head and tails of information). Ana I. Gracia (Representative of the Rural Journalism Network).
- Mundo rural: impulsar a cohesión territorial e responder ao reto demográfico. (Rural World: Boosting territorial cohesion and meeting the demographical challenge). Luis Domínguez (Center of Excellence Jean Monnet, Universidade de Vigo)
11.00 - 11.30h
Baggage collection
11.30 - 13.00h
Work in group and closing
Salón dos Bispos
13.00 - 14.00h
Conclusions and presentation of the Strategy of RIO International Observatory of Rural Research and closing.
Sala Refectorio
Performance by the soprano Ilduara Perianes Guitián accompanied by Miguel Guillermo Sáez Sotelo on the piano.
14.00 - 16.00h
9.00 - 13.30h
Check-in Parador de Santo Estevo
15.30 - 19.30h
Check-in Parador de Santo Estevo Activity at the Parador and Welcome
20.30 - 22.30h
Welcome Dinner. Salón dos reis
22.30 - 00.00h
CINECLUB. Salón dos Monxes
- Presentation of the DVD book Galicia Rural. Un debate contemporáneo sobre o medio rural galego. (Rural Galicia. A contemporary debate on the Galician rural area)
- Presentation of Galicia en la Memoria (Galicia in the Memory), a multimedia edition of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación (Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, MAFF)
Facilitators: Adela Palomino, Head of the Publication Center of MAFF, and Aser Álvarez, Head of Arraianos Producións and coordinator of the edition.
7.00 - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 10.00h
10.30 - 11.30
Opening Ceremony
Sala Refectorio
11.30 - 12.00h
Expert talk
Sala Refectorio
Fostering local development in a globalised world.
Bernadette Montanari (Centre for Biocultural Diversity. University of Kent, U.K.)
Moderator: Jorge Domínguez (GEA Group, Animal Ecology Group, Universidade de Vigo)
12.00 -12.30h
Coffee break
Claustro Bispos planta baja
13.00 - 14.00h
Getting to know each other
Sala Refectorio
14.00 - 16.00h
Salón dos Reis
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 1
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Anna Champeney (Anna Champeney Textile Studio)
- Rural povertry in Europe -the case of Hungary or the post-socialist countries. Katarin Tausz (Head of the Institute of Social Studies, Eötvös Loránd University and Director of Advocacy, UNICEF Hungary)
- Sembrar porvenir: agro vivo. (Planting the future: active agriculture). Manuel Blanco Desar (economist and political scientist. Author of Una sociedad sin hijos)
Conversation 2
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Belén Rubio (Vice-Rector for Research, Universidade de Vigo)
- Océanos asfixiantes para a vida mariña e outras verdades inconvenientes. (Stuffing oceans for marine life and other inconvinient truths). Debora Iglesias-Rodríguez (Professor and Vice Chair. Department of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology. University of California Santa Barbara. U.S.A.)
- El papel de las cofradías de pescadores de Galicia (Noroeste de España) en la protección de los recursos marinos y consecución de la equidad: ventajas y limitaciones. (The role of fishermen's associations in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) in the protection of marine resources and the achievement of equity: advantages and limitations).Iria García Lorenzo (Researcher of the Department of Applied Economics, Universidade de Vigo).
Conversation 3
Salón dos Monxes
Moderator: Esther de Blas (Vice-Rector of the Campus of Ourense, Universidade de Vigo)
- AlmaNatura. Reactivación Rural Resiliente. (Resilient Rural Reactivation). Juanjo Manzano y Conce Macías (Almanatura)
- FICRURAL: Foro Internacional sobre a Cultura e a Economía Rural. (FICRURAL: International Forum on Rural Culture and Rural Economy). Aser Álvarez (head of Arraianos Producións)
17.00 - 17.30h
Café no Mercado. Coffee Break.
Claustro Bispos planta baixa
- Muuhlloa: ecological cosmetics from Galicia
- Anna Champeney Textile Studio
- Sovoral organic beekeeping
- Inés Rir Textile Studio
- Water tasting: Elena Falqué and Concepción Pérez
17.30 - 19.30h
Working groups
Sala Refectorio
20.30 - 22.00h
Salón dos Reis
22.00 - 00.00h
Nocturnal enviromental activity Avelaíñas: doncelas da noite. (Moths: ladies of the night). Guided by Grupo Naturalista Hábitat.
7.00 - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 9.00
9.30 - 10.00
Expert talk
Salón dos Bispos
Food security, food poverty and food policy: Implications for rural communities in the European context.Deirdre O´Connor: School of Agriculture and Food Science. University College Dublin, Ireland. Moderator: Juan Carlos Mejuto (Professor of Chemical Physics, Faculty of Sciences, Universidade de Vigo)
10.00 - 11.00h
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 4
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Eva Garea Oya (Senior Technical Officer of International Relations, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Perfiles de la ruralidad contemporánea: más allá de la idealización y los tópicos del despoblamiento. (Profiles of the contemporary rurality: Beyond idealization and depopulation topics). Manuel González Fernández (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, member of the Research and Study Group Southern and Mediterranean Europe, European Society for Rural Sociology, and member of Iso-Rural)
- State of Play of the CAP Reform 2021-2027: current situation within the European Institutions. Jérémie Réquis (Secretariat of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI), European Parliament, Belgium)
Conversation 5
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Xesús Morales López (Senior Technical Officer of Scientific Projects, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Una Asociación por y para O Courel. (An Association by and for O Courel)Marcos Reinoso (Pia Paxaro and President of the Association for Rural Development in Serra do Caurel).
- Proyectos Smart Villages y ecosistemas de innovación rural. (Smart Villages Projects and rural innovation ecosystems). Enrique Nieto (European Network for Rural Development, ENRD, Belgium)
11.15 - 13.45h
Outdoors local inmersion activity. Plantando conCiencia. Compensación de huella de carbono. (Carbon print compensation).
Guided by Comunidade de Montes de San Estevo de Ribas do Sil and Office of Environment (OMA) of the Universidade de Vigo.
13.45 - 16.00h
Salón dos Reis
16.00 - 17.00h
Working groups
Sala refectorio
17.00 - 17.30h
Café no Mercado. Coffee Break.
Claustro Bispos planta baixa
- Aceites Abril: Tasting of single-variety oil
- Anna Champeney Textile Studio
- Inés Rir Textile Studio
- Sovoral organic beekeeping
- Water tasting: Elena Falqué and Concepción Pérez
17.30 - 19.30h
Working groups.
Sala Refectorio
20.30 - 00.00h
Dinner. Claustro dos Bispos
Magostiño (popular feast to celebrate the chestnut) and nocturnal ethnographic activity. Guided by Parador de Sto. Estevo
7.00h - 8.00h
Waking up in the forest (circular route)
8.00 - 9.00h
9.30- 10.00h
Expert talk
Salón dos Bispos
Rural and remote Health and Sustainability: challenges and solutions for achieving health equity. Rebecca Schiff. (Department of Health Sciences at Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada)
Moderator: Federico Mallo Ferrer (Professor of Endocrinology, Biomedical Research Centre, CINBIO, Universidade de Vigo).
10.00 - 11.00h
Simultaneous conversations
Conversation 6
Sala Refectorio
Moderator: Ana Caamaño (Technical Officer, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo)
- Improving Equity through Rural Health and Rural Medical Education. Leonardo Vieira Targa (Wonca Working Party on Rural Practice, Rural and Remote Health Journal y Facultad de Medicina de la Universidade de Caixas do Sul, Brasil)
- Proyectos de innovación social basados en necesidades inherentes al proceso de envejecimiento poblacional. (Social innovation projects based on needs inherent to population ageing). Noelia López Vázquez (social entrepreneur and founding member of activiza!).
Conversation 7
Salón dos Bispos
Moderator: Ana Fernández Mosquera (Senior Technical Officer of Projects in the field of Humanities, Law and Social Sphere, Office for International Projects, Universidade de Vigo).
- Miñocas de terra, viñedos saudables e viños naturais. (Earthworms, healthy vineyards and natural wine). Jorge Domínguez (GEA Group, Animal Ecology Group, Universidade de Vigo).
- New agrarian pathways: life on land as opportunity? Paul Swagemakers (Governance and Economics research Network (GEN), Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism, Universidade de Vigo).
Conversation 8
Salón dos Monxes
Moderator: Fernando R. Méndez (Periodista, responsable de prensa de la Deputación de Ourense).
- La imagen del rural en los medios. Cara y Cruz informativa. (The image of rural sector in the media. Facing head and tails of information). Ana I. Gracia (Representative of the Rural Journalism Network).
- Mundo rural: impulsar a cohesión territorial e responder ao reto demográfico. (Rural World: Boosting territorial cohesion and meeting the demographical challenge). Luis Domínguez (Center of Excellence Jean Monnet, Universidade de Vigo)
11.00 - 11.30h
Baggage collection
11.30 - 13.00h
Work in group and closing
Salón dos Bispos
13.00 - 14.00h
Conclusions and presentation of the Strategy of RIO International Observatory of Rural Research and closing.
Sala Refectorio
Performance by the soprano Ilduara Perianes Guitián accompanied by Miguel Guillermo Sáez Sotelo on the piano.
14.00 - 16.00h
OURS will be held from October 28 to 31 at the Parador de Santo Estevo, located in the municipality of Nogueira de Ramuín, in Ourense.
The Parador is located in the heart of the Ribeira Sacra, a natural space of incredible beauty in inland Galicia. The origin of the monastery dates back to the sixth and seventh centuries. The baroque and romanesque styles can be clearly appreciated in a building with with three impressive cloisters (one Romanesque, one Gothic and the other Renaissance). The building was declared as Artistic Historical Monument in the year 1923.